Monday, November 20, 2006


I was the only person to practice this morning.
Mrs. Plyler took the day "off."
She doesn't realize, I don't think.
That not playing fucks my entire day up.
So, I got Peter out and played.
Played and played and played my heart out.
For no more than 25 minutes.
I felt so down.
Not accomplished.
But, Charly did get her violin out and played my sheet music.

Having no clue anything about the bass clef.
For about 2 minutes.
2 minutes and I'm saying that literally.

Pray for me.
Practicing tonight.

1 comment:

cellodonna said...

Hi Shelby, I just found your cello blog. Come visit mine.

My story of the hardships and the love of being a cellist.

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